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Easy Tips to Save for Your Wedding

April 13, 2015 | Posted in Weddings

Recently engaged? Most likely, you’ve heard or come across the fact that the average wedding can cost $30,000. If you want the wedding you’ve always dreamed of, but at an affordable cost, follow these easy tips to save for your wedding:

Save early. Start now! Set aside a wedding fund in your savings account or label a large jar and deposit towards it every paycheck or monthly, depending on your situation and goal. If you pack lunch or cook dinner instead of going out, put that cash towards your wedding fund instead!

wedding fund wedding savings

Lower monthly fees. Do you really need that stuff every month? It might be worth it to at least defer for a few months until you reach your savings goal. Unsubscribe from any subscriptions you may not need or downgrade plans that you would be able to live with.

DIY wedding decor. If you’re not so crafty, recruit a few of your artsy friends to help create or re-create your favorite wedding decor.

diy wedding flower decor

Parent & guest contributions. Instead of sending your guests to a wedding registry, create a wedding page for people to help you fund the wedding. Try GoFundMe or your funding website of choice.

Go digital. Save on printed materials and consider creating a free custom wedding website  on to host your latest wedding news, wedding menu, event schedule, photographs and so on. You could even stream your entire wedding!

Book during the off-season. One of the first things to do is reserve your wedding venue. Consider having your wedding day during the off-season. Oftentimes, the likelihood of availability is better and the amount to reserve will be lower. For example… our Windsor Ballroom NJ wedding venue offers Winter Wonderland and Summer Sizzle wedding packages.

Want to learn more or interested in reserving your wedding venue today? Contact us for more information or browse the Windsor Ballroom blog for more ideas!

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